10. Pampered Pets! If your pet becomes anxious during flight, have a supply of chew toys, rawhide sticks or treats to help calm your pet. It is also helpful to massage or brush your pet during flight to reduce stress. This action not only comforts pets, but also relaxes pet parents.

9. Everyone can use a break! Lengthy non-stop flights should be avoided when traveling with your pet unless a potty pad is available.

8. Dinner Time! Feed your pet five to six hours before flight time and provide a drink of water no less than two hours before flight. It is also advised to supply your pet with water during flight if possible, as high altitude causes dehydration.

7. Even Pets Have Baggage! Be sure to pack necessary items such as medication, food, pet dishes, leash, snacks, goodies, chew toys, towel for dirty paws, plastic bags, doggie first aid kit, harness or collar and booties. Some of these items will be provided for you on your private jet flight, but it is always good to have standbys in case your pet is finicky.

6. Bumpy Ride! Travel specific dog harnesses for belting in your pet during turbulence or kenneling your dog during rough weather is advised.

5. Move over Rover! Remember to keep in mind the size of your pet when reserving a private jet to ensure compatibility. Secondly, be sure to select a pet friendly hotel or call ahead to confirm that your destination will accommodate your petís stay. And lastly, research emergency veterinary clinics in your arrival city in the case that your pet becomes ill during your travels.

4. Size Matters! If traveling by crate, be sure to select a crate that is properly sized. It is important that your pet can stand, sit, turn around and lie down comfortably throughout the flight. The crate bottom should contain absorbent and comfortable material such as bedding or newspaper. Secondly, be sure identification tags are secure on your pet and your kennel is properly labeled for safety and ease of travel. And lastly, avoid using a muzzle during flight as this restricts the ability to breath and regulate body temperature in your pet.

3. Pre-flight Jitters! The use of sedation or tranquilizers is not advised since their effects on animals at high altitudes are unpredictable. Check with your veterinarian before administering this type of pre-flight medication and if possible, avoid its use.

2. Health Alert! Before departure, you will want to make sure your petís vaccinations are up to date and bring vaccination and health records with you during your travels. I also recommended visiting your local veterinarian before leaving to ensure your pet is at optimum health for travel.

1. Pet Set Ready! Consult your veterinarian on whether your pet is a good candidate for flying. For example, certain breeds of cats and dogs with breathing difficulties could have complications due to thin-air altitudes. Puppies and kittens are also inappropriate for air travel until they are at least 12 weeks old. And, if your pet is ill, nervous, aggressive, pregnant or aging, an alternate means of transportation should be considered.